New Condition

The Asbestos Condition Check enables you to maintain a detailed record of damage, risk of expose, and repairs required for asbestos containing materials (ACM).

New Condition is added to the Tasks tab when you create a new asbestos component.

To add a condition to an asbestos component:

  1. Click the New Condition option in the Tasks panel.

    New Condition

    The Asbestos Condition Check window is displayed.

    Asbestos Condition Check window

  2. Enter details of the condition.

The fields on the Asbestos Condition Check window are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Date The date of the condition check.
Condition The condition of the repair.
Comments Comments about the condition check.
Next Check Date The date of the next scheduled check.
Checked by The individual performing the condition check.
Recorded The individual performing the check and the relevant date.
  1. Click OK.

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