Add or Edit a Stock Code

The Stock Code Editor allows you to add a new stock code record.

To add a new store:

  1. Navigate to Stock Control > New Stock Code.

    Alternatively, search for and open the relevant stock code.

    The Stock Code Editor tab is displayed.

    Stock Code Editor

  2. Enter or edit the relevant details.

The fields on the Stock Code Editor tab are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Number A unique reference number for the stock code. This field is mandatory.
Name The name for the stock code. This field is mandatory.
Price The price per unit.

The type of unit the stock is measured in.

Note: These can be defined in Measurement Unit Types reference data (accessed by navigating to Functions > Core > Reference Data > Core).


The stock code group.

Note: These can be defined in Measurement Unit Types reference data (accessed by navigating to Stock Control > Stock Control).

Max Order Level The maximum number of units of the stock that can be ordered.
Min Order Level The minimum number of units of the stock that can be ordered.
Barcode The bar code number associated with the stock code.
Description The description of the stock code.
Consumable Whether the stock is consumed as part of a job and not returned to stock.
Serialised Whether the stock has a serial number.
Perishable Whether the stock is perishable. This field is enabled by selecting the Serialised field.

The notification period before or after the stock perishes in days, weeks, months or years.

Note: This field is mandatory when the Perishable check box is selected.

Is Tool Whether to stock code is considered a tool.
  1. Click Save.

When you create a new stock code the following buttons are added to the Tasks panel:

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