Progress a Job

To progress a job:

  1. Open the relevant job.

    Job record

    Alternatively, select and hold the relevant job from the Work List tab and tap the Start button.

    Start Job button

    The job record is displayed.

  2. Tap the Arrive on Site button at the top of the K2 Mobile screen.

    Arrive on Site button

  3. Tap the Assessment button to start the assessment.

    Assessment button

    The Maintenance risk assessment screen is displayed.

  4. Tap the Next button.

    Maintenance risk assessment screen

    The first assessment question is displayed, with a progress bar to indicate your position within the assessment process.

    Question example

  5. Answer each question in turn.

    Some questions display a risk matrix. Tap the relevant section of matrix to record the level of risk.

    Risk matrix question example

    Alternatively, questions can be marked as not applicable.

    Question marked not applicable

The buttons displayed on the various questions screens are described in the following table.

Button Button name Does this....
Back button Back Return to the first maintenance risk assessment page.
Information button Information Displays the Additional information screen containing more information about the question.
Previous button Previous Reloads the previous question.
Next button Next Displays the next question.
Unanswered questions button Unanswered questions Skips to the next unanswered question.
Ellipses button Ellipses Marks the question as not applicable.


  1. On completion, the confirmation window is displayed. Tap Continue.

    Confirmation window

    The Summary screen is displayed.

    Summary screen

    The result of completed assessment, based on the questions answered is displayed in the job risk panel:

    • Pass Assessment - when an assessment is passed the job risk panel displays in green, if an assessment passes with warnings the job risk panel displays display in orange
    • Fail Assessment - when an assessment is failed the job risk panel displays in red and the Job is closed

The buttons displayed following a completed assessment are described in the following table.

Button Button name Does this....
Back button Back Return to the Maintenance screen.
Pause button Pause Pauses the job.
Leave Site button Leave Site Prevents the Job being paused or completed. Enables the Return to Site button.
Return to Site button Return to Site Resumes the job.
Complete button




Marks the job as complete. The Compete Job window is displayed. Tap Partially Complete to indicate that a job requires further work.


Saves feedback added to a completed job.

Assessment button Assessment Displays the assessment.
Ellipses button Ellipses Displays the Stock Control and Camera options.
Feedback button Feedback Displays the Feedback screen.
Save button Save Saves the job.
  1. Progress the job, using Pause, Leave Site and Return to Site statuses, as appropriate.

  2. Tap the Complete button to complete the job.

    The Compete Job screen is displayed. Tap Partially Complete to indicate that a job requires further work.

    Compete Job screen

  3. Tap Reason List to display a list of completion options.

    The Reason List window is displayed.

    Reason List window

    Note: These can be defined in Status Reason reference data (accessed by navigating to Maintenance > Job).

  4. Select the relevant reason.

  5. Tap Feedback to record comments.

    The Feedback screen is displayed.

    Feedback screen

  6. Tap the OK button to record feedback.
  7. Tap Save to complete the job.

Note: You can add a signature field to the Complete Job window. You can use Mobile Options (accessed by navigating to Tools > System Options > Mobile Options) to include a signature field on the Complete Job window. Refer to Mobile Options for further information.

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