Transfer Stock

You can transfer stock between stores from a stock code record.

To transfer stock between stores:

  1. Click the Transfer Stock button in the Tasks panel.

    Tasks Transfer Stock

    The Stock Transfer window is displayed.

    Stock Transfer window

  2. Enter details of the stock transfer.

The fields on the Stock Transfer window are described in the following table.

Section This field Holds this information...
Current Store Item The item being transferred.
Store The store where the item is currently located. This field is mandatory.
Bin The bin where the item is currently located. This field is mandatory.
Quantity The quantity of stock items transferred.
Current Stock Level The stock level of the current store before transfer.
Balance after Transfer The balance of stock in the current location after transfer.
Transferring to... Store The store where the item is to be transferred. This field is mandatory.
Bin The bin where the item is to be transferred. This field is mandatory.
Current Stock Level The stock level of the destination store after transfer.
Balance after Transfer The balance of stock in the destination location after transfer.
  1. Click the Transfer button.

    The stock is transferred between locations.

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