Add or Edit an Attribute

Attributes are the fields that can be added to categories.

To add or edit an attribute:

  1. Select the section that you want to add the attribute to from the Select section drop-down list.

    Select section drop-down

    Note: If you opened the Attribute Manager by clicking the Manage Attribute Definitions option in the Tasks panel, this field is read-only.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Right-click on the relevant category and then select New > New Attribute to add a new attribute.

      New Attribute option

    • Right-click on an existing attribute and click the View option to edit it.

      View option

    The Attribute Definition window is displayed.

    Attribute Definition window

    Note: You can also add a pre-existing attribute by right-clicking on the relevant category and then selecting New > Select Attribute. This displays the Select window where you can select the relevant attribute.

  3. Enter or edit the relevant details. The fields displayed are dependent on the Type field.

The fields common to all attribute types are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Name The name of the field.
Show When Empty Whether to display the field if there are no values.
Is Mandatory Whether the field is mandatory.
Category The category to which the field belongs. Select from the drop-down list or click the Create New Set link to add a new category.
Description A description of the field. This is displayed at the bottom of the Attribute Manager when the attribute is selected.

The field's data type. Select from the following:

  • Date
  • Decimal
  • Entity
  • List
  • Number
  • Reference Data
  • Text
  • True\False
  • Yes\No
Condition A condition that enables or disables the field depending on another attribute's value (for example: entering a condition of [<attribute name>]>9 only enables the field if that attribute is greater than 9).

Additional fields depending on the Type are defined in the following drop downs:

  1. Click OK.

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